Number of Articles | 413 |
Number of Contributors | 906 |
Article View | 359,833 |
PDF Download | 256,626 |
View Per Article | 871.27 |
PDF Download Per Article | 621.37 |
----------------------------------------- | |
Number of Submissions | 762 |
Accepted Submissions | 283 |
Acceptance Rate | 37 |
Time to Accept (Days) | 180 |
Number of Indexing Databases | 5 |
Scientific Association of Agricultural Machine Engineering and Mechanization of Iran
Social Networks
The Journal of "Agricultural Engineering" is published quarterly by Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz with the aim of exchanging knowledge and thinking among researchers and specialists in soil science and biosystem engineering. The journal invites all experts and interested parties to publish their research findings through the Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Authors must first consider the goals and vision of the publication and then prepare and submit their article to this publication based on thematic relevance and according to the guidelines of the authors' guide. All manuscripts are checked by the plagiarism diagnostic software Hamanandjoo (Irandoc) to identify the originality of the articles. This journal is not a member of the International Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) but follows its principles and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.
Agricultural Engineering Journal examines, accepts and publishes all scientific articles derived from research studies and reviews in the fields of soil engineering and biosystem engineering in the following areas.
- Soil engineering sciences: soil chemistry and pollution, soil fertility and plant nutrition, soil biology and biotechnology, soil formation and classification, application of remote sensing in soil studies, soil management and land use, soil physics and mechanics, water-soil relationship and Plant, soil erosion and protection, oil pollution of soil and environment, dust.
-Biosystem engineering: Design and fabrication of agricultural machineries, Precision and smart farming, Robotics in agriculture, Artificial intelligence in agriculture, Post-harvest technology, Food industry machines, Agricultural mechanization, Energy in agriculture, Waste management, and other researches related to biosystems engineering.
Signing of a memorandum of understanding between Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and the Scientific Association of Agricultural Machine Engineering and Mechanization of Iran
This is to inform all respected authors that on 2023.11.15, an agreement was signed between Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and the Scientific Association of Agricultural Machines and Mechanization of Iran in order to cooperate in the publication of the journal.
Important Notice
According to the approvals of the editorial board of the Journal of Agricultural Engineering, considering that in all the articles submitted by the students, there will be correspondence with the supervisor, so the author is responsible for the article of the supervisor and they must send the article to the journal.
Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz
Ataallah khademalrasoul
Mostafa Chorom
Editorial Board:
Amir Fotovat
Ahmad Golchin
Seyed saeid mohtasebi
Reza Amiri Chayjan
Nematollah Jaafarzadeh Haghighi fard
Saeid Hojati
Naeimeh Enayatizamir
Hassan Masoudi
Abbas Asakereh
Executive Manager:
Mojtaba Norouzi
Page Designer:
Azadeh Ahmadi
Frequency: Quarterly
Print ISSN: 2588-5944
Online ISSN: 2588-526X
Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC)