
The Journal of Agricultural Engineering is published quarterly by Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz with the aim of exchanging knowledge and thinking among researchers and specialists in soil science and biosystem engineering. All experts and interested researchers are invited to publish their research findings through Agricultural Engineering Journal.


This journal consider, accepts and publishes all scientific articles derived from research studies and reviews in the fields of soil science and engineering, agricultural machinery engineering, and biosystem.

Soil science engineering

Soil Chemistry and Pollution,

Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition,

Soil Biology and Biotechnology,

Soil Formation and Classification,

Application of Remote Sensing in Soil Studies,

Soil management and Land use,

Soil Physics and Mechanics,

Water-Soil-Plant relationship,

Erosion and Soil Conservation,

Oil pollution of Soil and Environment,



Biosystems engineering

Design and build Construction,

Modeling and Simulation,

Maintenance and Agricultural Machinery and Equipment,

Livestock Facilities,

Precision Agriculture and Smart Farming,

Robotics in Agriculture,

Post-harvest Technology,

Food Processing Machinery,

Storing Agricultural Products,

Agricultural Mechanization,

Waste Management,

Energy in agriculture and Other studies related to biosystems engineering