Research Paper
Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Hamid Kelishadi; Mohammad Reza Mosaddeghi; Shamsollah Ayoubi; Hossein Asadi
Introduction Soil erosion is one of the major obstacles to sustainable development. A large part of Iran has an arid and semi-arid climate, without vegetation with suitable density or even completely without vegetation. Therefore, many parts of the country face high erosion and soil losses. Previous ...
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Introduction Soil erosion is one of the major obstacles to sustainable development. A large part of Iran has an arid and semi-arid climate, without vegetation with suitable density or even completely without vegetation. Therefore, many parts of the country face high erosion and soil losses. Previous studies showed an increased trend of soil erosion in Iran. Because in situ measurement of soil erosion at the farm or watershed scale is expensive and time-consuming, estimation of soil erosion from easy and ready parameters can be useful. It is well-known that aggregate stability can affect soil erosion. There are many methods developed to measure soil aggregate stability, but there is no specific method that can be used for a wide range of soil types under different land uses. This study was done to compare different methods of aggregate stability determination (i.e., splash rate measurement, shear strength measured with fall-cone penetrometer and wet sieving). Materials and Methods Twenty-eight soil samples with different textures, equivalent calcium carbonate, and organic matter were collected from surface soil layers in Isfahan and Chaharmahal-va-Bakhtiari provinces. Particles size distribution of studied the soil was measured. Very coarse sand (VCS), coarse sand (CS), medium sand (MS), fine sand (FS) and very fine sand (VFS) were measured according to ASTM sieves. Also, four components of silt (0.035-0.05, 0.02-0.035, 0.01-0.02 and 0.002-0.01 mm) were measured according to Stock's law by the pipette method. Geometric mean diameter and geometric standard deviation of particles were calculated by Shirazi and Boeresma (1984) relations. Soil splash rate (S) was measured with rainfall simulator, near-saturated soil shear strength (τ) was determined using the fall-cone penetrometer, and mean weight diameter (MWD) and geometric mean diameter (GMD) of soil aggregates were measured by the wet sieving. Results and Discussion The results of this study showed that the sand, silt and clay contents were, respectively, in the ranges of 1.5-51%, 34-73% and 11-35% in the studied soils. Most of the sand particles belonged to the FS and VFS (0.05-0.25 mm) fractions and most of the silt fraction was in the very fine silt (0.002-0.01 mm) fraction. The range of organic matter was 0.08 to 8.8% and calcium carbonate equivalent varied in the range between 10% and 63%. Generally, soil aggregate stability was low and splash erosion was high in the studied soils. The results showed that S showed significant correlations with sand, silt, and geometric mean diameter and geometric standard deviation calculated using all particle fractions, VCS, CS, MS, FS, fine silt and very fine silt. Soil shear strength (τ) had significant correlations with silt, very fine silt, geometric mean diameter and geometric standard deviation. The GMD and MWD had significant correlations with soil organic carbon. The results showed that S had significant and negative correlations with τ and GMD, and there were significant and positive correlations between τ with GMD and MWD. The S was mainly dependent on particle size distribution, while GMD and MWD mainly depended on soil organic carbon. However, both particle size distribution and soil organic carbon would affect τ. This finding might be justified by differences between mechanisms which are responsible for particles detachment. The energies induced by raindrop impact and slaking are the main forces and mechanisms responsible for detachment of particles in splash erosion and wet sieving tests, respectively while the cohesive forces between particles mainly govern soil strength in the fall-cone penetrometer test. The studied soils were clustered based on intrinsic soil properties (i.e., texture, CaCO3 and organic carbon) by using K-means method in MATLAB software, in order to evaluate the capability of different methods in different soil groups. The least significant difference (LSD) test was used in a completely randomized design for mean’ comparisons between the clusters. The mean comparison results showed that the three methods similarly predicted the variation of aggregate stability in different soil clusters. The results of clustering showed that the soil cluster with high organic matter, silt and clay contents and low sand content was more stable than other clusters. Conclusion Three methods similarly predicted the variation of aggregate stability in different soil groups; therefore, the methods might be used alternatively for aggregate stability determination. Fall-cone penetrometer can be introduced as an in situ method for evaluation of aggregate stability against splash erosion.
Research Paper
Soil Chemistry and Pollution
Somayeh Sefidgar shahkolaie; Mojtaba Baranimotlagh; Farhad Khormali; Esmael Dordipour
Introduction At present, contamination of water and soil resources is an important environmental challenge. Therefore, decontamination of such is a prerequirement for using these resources. Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) often coexist in contaminated soils and there is currently no effective means for their ...
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Introduction At present, contamination of water and soil resources is an important environmental challenge. Therefore, decontamination of such is a prerequirement for using these resources. Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) often coexist in contaminated soils and there is currently no effective means for their concurrent removal. Concerns about their mobility and bioavailability have increased because of food safety, potential health risks and its detrimental effects on the ecosystems. The stabilization/solidification is a cost effective remediation method that prevents spreading of heavy metals in soil and water resources. In this process, contaminated soil reacts with amendments such as organic and liming materials to form low soluble or non-soluble stable materials. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of several low cost amendments on Cd and Pb stabilization by a sequential extraction method. Materials and Methods In this research, in order to investigate the effect of organic amendments (biochar 640°C, and biochar 420°C) and inorganic amendments (Pumice, Leca, Zeolite, and Bentonite) on Pb and Cd stabilization in a contaminated soil, an incubation experiment was carried out. One kilogram of each amended soil and the control soil were packed into respective pots. Soils were amended in the laboratory using biochar 640 (BI1), biochar 420 (BI2) bentonite (BE), pumice (P), leca (LE), and zeolite (Z). A control treatment (C) without adding amendment was also prepared. The amendment materials were applied at 1 and 5 percent wt. Each treatment was performed in three replicates and the samples were incubated in the dark at 14°C for 6 months. At the end of the incubation time, the potential bioavailability of Cd in non-amended and amended soils was evaluated by extraction with DTPA and ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid (EDTA). Total Cd (CdT) and Pb (PbT) was extracted by aqua regia (HNO3 + HCl) extraction. The chemical fractions of Cd and Pb were determined by a sequential extraction method which is a five-step chemical fractionation based on the work of Tessier et al. (1979). All statistical analyses were performed using SAS software. Means of different treatments were compared using LSD (P ≤0.05) test. Results and Discussion The results indicated that the additions of amendments to soils reduced the concentration of DTPA and EDTA-extracted Pb and Cd. The smallest concentration of Pb-extracted DTPA and EDTA was observed in organic amendments treated soil (biochar 640°C, and biochar 420°C) and treated with 5% biochar 640°C, respectively. The high sorbent capacity of the BI used in this study could be due to its high pH, high content of organic carbon and cation exchange capacity (CEC). The highest decreasing rate of DTPA and EDTA-extractable of Cd was observed in treated with 5% pumice and zeolite, respectively. Application of the amendments (except for 1% LE) decreased exchangeable fraction (F1) of Pb compared to the non-amended soil. Also, the amendments (except for 1% P, Z and BE) decreased exchangeable fraction (F1) of Cd compared to the non-amended soil. Although the biochar 640 (5%) showed the highest decreasing rate of exchangeable fraction (F1) of Pb and Cd, they increased the oxide (F3) and organic (F4) fractions, which might be due to its rich O-containing functional groups and high alkalinity leading to an increase in the binding of Cd and Pb to organic compounds and mineral oxides. Conclusion Results indicated that application of amendments was successful in lowering the potential bioavailability of Pb and Cd soils. The 5% biochar 640 treatment had the greatest decrease in extractable Pb. Also, the 5% zeolite and pumice treatment had the greatest decrease in extractable Cd. Application of BI resulted in a significant decrease in both Pb and Cd exchangeable fraction (F1). This reduction in the exchangeable fraction (F1) of Cd and Pb in the soil was due to an increase in the fraction of heavy metals bound to the soil organic matter (F4) oxides (F3) after BI addition. Enhanced precipitation or co-precipitation and complexation of metals with amendments led to the reduction of the solubility of the metals. The P, LE, BE, and Z altered the exchangeable fraction (F1) of Cd and Pb to the oxide fraction (F3) and the carbonate fraction (F3), respectively. Application of BI amendment causes the highest decreasing rate of solubility Cd and Pb, suggesting this as the suitable amendment for the remediation of Cd and Pb in contaminated soils.
Research Paper
Soil Genesis and Classification
Mansooreh Khaleghi; Azam Jafari; Mohammad Hadi Farpour
Introduction Soil digital mapping represents a set of mathematical computations to predict the distribution of soil classes in the landscape. This approach relies on statistical relationships between measured soil observations and environmental covariates at the sampling locations. The need for digital ...
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Introduction Soil digital mapping represents a set of mathematical computations to predict the distribution of soil classes in the landscape. This approach relies on statistical relationships between measured soil observations and environmental covariates at the sampling locations. The need for digital soil mapping as an addition to conventional soil surveys results from a worldwide growing demand for high- resolution digital soil maps for environmental protection and management as well as projects of the public authorities. Digital soil data is increasing based on new processing tools and various digital data. The digital identification of soils as a tool for creating soil spatial data provides ways to address the growing need for high-resolution soil maps. The main objective of this study is to generate the digital soil map based on the legacy soil data. Materials and methods The study area is located in southeastern Iran, 330 km from Kerman city, in Faryab distinct. In this study, a Latin hypercube sampling design was applied and the sampling was done according to the difference in landforms (geomorphology map), topography (including digital elevation map) and geology. The geographic locations of 70 profiles were identified. Soil profiles were described according to U.S. Soil Taxonomy (Soil Survey Staff, 2014) and finally, the soil samples were taken from their diagnostic horizons. The collected soil samples were transferred to the laboratory, and some physical and chemical analyzes were performed based on routine standard methods. Environmental data include the parameters derived from the digital elevation model, Landsat satellite images (remote sensing indexes), geology map, geomorphic units (geomorphology map) and legacy soil map of the study area. All environmental variables were derived using ENVI and SAGA software. In this research, a multinomial logistic regression model was used to predict soil classes and the modeling was done in two scenarios: 1- modeling without the legacy soil map and 2- modeling with the legacy soil map. Estimation of predictive accuracy of soil classes was also done using the overall accuracy index and Kappa coefficient. Results and discussion The result of the modeling with the multinomial logistic regression method in two sets of input variables showed that the topographic position index is the most effective variable in predicting soil classes. This confirms topographic importance on soil genesis in the studied area. After topographic variables, the legacy soil data is an effective parameter in modeling. The legacy data of soil is a strong and valuable database for predicting soil characteristics. The old soil map consists of the salt surfaces and Inceptisols order. Unlike the hot and arid climate of the study area, Inceptisols order was identified in the old soil map. Soil survey with very small scale was probably led to generalization of the studied soils and hiding the main soils of the study area. However, the small-scale mapping and the presentation of different soils in the region do not prevent the presence of the old soil map as an important predictor. It seems that there is a high concordance between the borders of old soil map and the described soils diversity in the study area. The matching and concordance between the boundaries of the old map and the described soil profiles help the model to differentiate different soils, although the correspondence between the soils type of the old soil map and the observed soils can play a more effective role in predicting by the model. Soil legacy information is a powerful and valuable database for predicting any feature of the soil. In both predicted maps, four major groups of Haplosalids, Haplocambids, Haplocalcids and Torriorthents were identified. The great group of Torriorthents is located in the north of the region and in the alluvial fan landform. Haplosalids great groups were most commonly found in clayey surfaces. Haplocambids and Haplocalcids great groups are located more in the geomorphic surface of the cultivated fan and the piedmont plain, respectively. The results of the predictive quality of the logistic regression model showed that the number of well-estimated soils in the presence of the old soil map is more than when there is no old soil map in the modeling. In addition, the results of the validation of the models showed that the map accuracy and kappa index increased in presence of the legacy soil map. As a result, the model's validation indices including the map purity and Kappa index increased from 0.47 and 0.16 to 0.63 and 0.43, respectively. In both models, the highest accuracy of the estimation was obtained for Haplocambids great group. Conclusions The results showed that topographic position index was the most important and powerful variable for forecasting in both models, and confirms that topography or relief is the most important soil forming factor in the study area. Using the legacy soil map as one of the environmental variables in modeling, efficiency and accuracy are more accurate than modeling without the legacy soil map. If the old soil maps as legacy information are used in digital soil mapping, the similarity and matching of the soils of the studied area shoud be cheched even with the very small scale because the high concordance leads to rational prediction, and random and chance predictions do not occur.
Research Paper
Soil Chemistry and Pollution
Samira Alvani; ُSaeid Hojati; Ahmad Landi
Introduction Pollution of the environment to heavy metals is one of the major problems of today's world. Following the development of industries, as well as increasing agriculture in response to the growing population, the overuse of chemical fertilizers, mining activities, the production and disposal ...
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Introduction Pollution of the environment to heavy metals is one of the major problems of today's world. Following the development of industries, as well as increasing agriculture in response to the growing population, the overuse of chemical fertilizers, mining activities, the production and disposal of waste waters and sewage sludge, etc., the entry and accumulation of heavy metals in the environment has increased. There are several methods for removing heavy metals from wastewaters. Among the common methods for removal of heavy metals, adsorption, in particular using inexpensive natural adsorbents, due to the ease of implementation and high efficiency is a cost-effective and economical technique. Palygorskite is a fibrous mineral common in clay fractions of soils of arid and semi-arid regions of the world. Although there are several studies applying palygorskite as a suitable mineral for cleaning of wastewaters, however, few studies have been carried out to evaluate the ability of nanosized particles of such clay minerals for removal of heavy metals from the environment. Therefore, this study was conducted to measure the ability of palygorskite nano- and micro-sized particles to adsorb lead and copper from aqueous solutions. Materials and Methods: Kinetic experiments were carried out at 11 different contact times (5, 10, 20, 30, 60, 120, 240, 480, 720, 1440, and 2880 min) using solutions containing 150 mg / l of lead and copper elements at pH=5. Palygorskite used in this study was purchased from Tulsa Co., Spain Then, micron (Results and Discussion The results illustrated that in the so-called samples as nanosized palygorskite, about 50% of the particles in the sample was found smaller than 100 nm in size, and in this case no samples of particle size of 100 nm and smaller were observed in those so-called palygorskite microparticles. The results indicated that by increasing the contact time and reducing the mineral particle sizes from micron to nanoscale, more amounts of lead and copper heavy elements adsorbed onto the mineral. This is due to an increase in the exposure of active sites on the adsorbent surfaces by the pollutant. When the data were fitted with the pseudo first order, pseudo second order and intraparticle diffusion kinetic models, it was revealed that the pseudo second-order kinetic model with a determination coefficient (R2) of 0.99 was the best model describing kinetics of study. Besides, the lower values of the chi-square (ᵡ2) in fit with the pseudo-second-order kinetic model as compared to those in the pseudo first-order model show a greater similarity between the pseudo-second-order kinetic model and the experimental data. The isotherm of Pb and Cu adsorption was also studied using Langmuir and Freundlich adsorption models. It was observed that the data had a better coordination with the Langmuir model with a determination coefficient of 0.99. By increasing the initial concentration of the lead and copper in the solution, their distribution coefficient (Kd) decreases. This suggests that although with increasing initial concentration of lead and copper, their adsorption increased by palygorskite mineral, however, by increasing the initial concentration of heavy metals, the remaining concentration of these elements also increased. The results also illustrated that both micro- and nanoparticles of palygorskite show more affinity to adsorb lean than copper from solutions. Conclusion: In general, it can be concluded from this study that adsorption of lead and copper by palygorskite nanoparticles depends on the contact time and the adsorbent size. Besides, the use of this mineral could be considered as a suitable, feasible and environmentally friendly way to remove lead and copper from aqueous solutions.
Research Paper
Micromorphology and Clay mineralogy
masoomeh najafinia; Farhad Khormali; Farshad Kiani; mojtaba Baranimotlagh
Introduction Loess sediments of northern Iran represent several cycles of climate change and evolution of the landform for the mid-to-late Quaternary. Climate change in elevations of Iran and its surrounding areas is very controversial in the mid and late Quaternary, and has been discussed in the past ...
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Introduction Loess sediments of northern Iran represent several cycles of climate change and evolution of the landform for the mid-to-late Quaternary. Climate change in elevations of Iran and its surrounding areas is very controversial in the mid and late Quaternary, and has been discussed in the past according to rainfall and rainfall periods and between rainfall, glacial and inter-glacial. Paleomegnatic results also indicate that Early Pliestocene loess (Reddish loess) have accumulated between, 1.8 to 2.4 million years ago. However, pedogenic processes and the effects of past climate in these soils still have not been fully investigated. The loess deposits in northern Iran are a valuable archive of regional paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental information. Micromorphology is an important technique to identify and interpret the loess- paleosol for paleoclimate studies. Microscopy is a method of studying undisturbed soil samples with the help of microscopic techniques (and sometimes with ultramicroscopic ones), in order to identify their constituents, determine their mutual relations in space and time and interpret their formation conditions. Micromorphology uses these characteristics to make interpretations, generally on the soil formation processes. This study aimed to conduct a micromorphological investigation on the early Pleistocene loess and to compare it with the modern loess derived soils in Agh-Band, Yelli-Badrag and Qareh-Agach in loess plateau of eastern Golestan. Materials and Methods The study area is located in semiarid climate in loess Plateau east Golestan. Six profiles were selected and studied. Physicochemical properties such as soil texture, acidity (pH), electrical conductivity (EC), saturation moisture (SP), organic carbon (OM), cationic exchange capacity (CEC) and calcium carbonate equivalent (CCE) were measured in the laboratory. Then, soil samples were prepared from each horizon for micromorphology studies. For micromorphological studies, thin sections were prepared from undisturbed, oriented and dry clods by standard methods and described under a polarizing optical microscope. Results and Discussion Comparing the results of physicochemical properties (such as color, carbonate percentage, the cation exchange capacity, etc.) in paleosol and modern loess soils indicates that the in paleosols, soil forming processes have passed several stages. The existence of the argillic horizons and the evolved calcic in paleosols and their absence in the modern soils in which they are present, indicates the change in soil formation conditions. The change in the color of paleosols also represents the soil moisture and the more suitable conditions of the past climate (temperature, and especially rainfall) in comparison with the present climate of the region. This color change was due to activation of soil formation processes in paleosols. All paleosol samples had a higher clay content than the late modern loess soils of the Pleistocene, suggesting favorable climatic conditions for soil formation processes and the development of more ancient soil than parent materials. Reducing annual precipitation decrease soil pedogenesis. Conclusion Comparison of the results obtained from paleosols of early Pleistocene with modern soils indicates that the time and climate change caused alterations in the soil micromorphology features (such as the type and amount of pores, soil structure and b-fabric and pedofeatures etc.). One of the most important pedofeatures was clay coating around void, presented only in buried paleosols, which is the evidence for moist climate conditions and subsequently enough leaching for clay translocation. Further, the presence of planar void caused by shrink and swell of clay is evidence for evolution in the paleosols. In argillic horizons of paleosols, dominant b-fabric is speckled due to carbonate leaching while in calcite horizon, it is crystallitic b-fabric. The micromorphological index of soil development calculated, showed that these red-colored deposits are formed under an annual precipitation of about 450- 650mm which represents more humid conditions at the time of their formation than the modern loess soils. In modern soils derived from recent loess, lack of clay coating can be a reason for weakly developed soil formation.
Research Paper
Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Amir Rahimi; Behnam Doulati; Saied Heydarzadeh
Introduction Nutritional deficiencies (e.g. Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Boron) account for almost two‐thirds of the childhood death worldwide. Most of those afflicted are dependent on staple crops for their sustenance. Declining soil fertility in many countries, duo to continuous cropping systems, has ...
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Introduction Nutritional deficiencies (e.g. Iron, Zinc, Manganese and Boron) account for almost two‐thirds of the childhood death worldwide. Most of those afflicted are dependent on staple crops for their sustenance. Declining soil fertility in many countries, duo to continuous cropping systems, has reduced soil production capacity affected by depletion of soil nutrient without proper replacement. Soil application of prepared humic substances is not economical, but the response to foliar sprays has the potential to be economical because the relatively small quantities are needed. Foliar application is one of the swift response methods for plants to add fertilizer, which leads to dispel of nutrients deficiency and providence in the use of chemical fertilizers. The solubility of nutrients decreases in soils with high acidity or undesirable chemical composition and can be possibility of ionic competition (Antagonism) or the accumulation of nutrient in soilcanlee resulthed. Therefore, adsorption of nutrients and root growth will be inappropriate. On the other hand, the application of humic substance with improving physical, chemical and biological conditions causes an increase in adsorption and soil fertility. Using humic substances is another benefit of the reduction of environmental pollution in order to achieve sustainable agriculture. A sugar beet is a plant whose root contains a high concentration of sucrose and which is grown commercially for sugar production. Sugar beet is one of the strategic crops and is widely cultivated in the West Azerbaijan region. So, the aim of this study was to investigate the application of humic substances and micronutrient on some quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet. Material and Methods This study was carried out as a randomized complete block design with six levels of humic substance (0, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 kg ha-1) and foliar application of micronutrients including Fe, Zn, B, and Mn with 3 replications. Physicochemical properties of soil (calcium carbonate equilibrium, pH, OC, EC, micro and macro elements, soil texture) were determined by standard methods. There fore, quantitative and qualitative characteristics of sugar beet including total sugar content, pure sugar content, and molasses sugar content, Na, K and N content in root, alkalinity, sugar extraction coefficient, root yield and pure sugar and total sugar yield were determined in sugar beet samples. Results The results showed that the application of humic and micronutrient was significant in qualitative and quantitative characteristics of sugar beet. Maximum root yield (68.96 ton ha-1) was obtained in the Mn treatment. The highest of pure (16.30%), gross sugars (18.68%) and sugar extraction coefficient (87.25%) was observed in B and 500 kg ha-1 of humic asid treatment. Humic acid application increased nitrogen (27.58%) and root yield (29.08%) compared to control. Also, micronutrient and humic substance application reduced the molasses sugar content and increased potassium in the root of sugar beet. So that the highest (3.48%) and lowest (2.37%) amounts of molasses sugar were obtained in control and 500 kg ha-1 humic acid plus B treatment respectively. Boron is much required for cell division and development in the growth regions of the plant near the tips of shoots and roots. It also affects sugar transport and appears to be associated with some of the functions of calcium. Conclusion According to the results of this study, foliar application of humic substance and micronutrient improved qualitative and quantitative characteristics of sugar beet. The root and refined sugar yields are among the most important components in sugar beet production. Also, treatment of 600 kg ha-1 of humic acid and Mn spraying had the greatest effect on the root and gross sugars yield in sugar beet. Also, the amount of molasses sugar decreased with increasing sugar content and replacing potassium instead of harmful elements. Application of Mn and B may need to be considered for sugar beets. Foliar fertilization with Mn has the beneficial effect mainly on such features like White sugar yield, root, gross sugars yield, and the number of leaves per single sugar beet plants. It can be concluded that the contemporary use of humic substance and micronutrient is recommended in order to achieve adequate yield and preserve the environment.
Research Paper
Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Soraya Taheri; abdolmajid ronaghi; Reza Ghasemi; Sedigheh Safarzadeh Shirazi
Introduction Zinc deficiency is aggravated mainly in arid and semi-arid regions, due to low organic matter and soil moisture as well as high levels of pH and salinity. Maize which serves as staple food is sensitive to Zn deficiency. One of the mechanisms by which plants can adapt to nutrient deficient ...
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Introduction Zinc deficiency is aggravated mainly in arid and semi-arid regions, due to low organic matter and soil moisture as well as high levels of pH and salinity. Maize which serves as staple food is sensitive to Zn deficiency. One of the mechanisms by which plants can adapt to nutrient deficient soils has suggested producing and secreting organic substances, including aliphatic low molecular weight organic acids, into the rhizosphere for mobilization and uptake of nutrients. Under Zn deficiency, plants tend to modify rhizosphere in order to increase Zn phyto-availability. Zinc mobilization efficiency is dependent upon the amount and type of organic acids exuded by plant roots and physiochemical properties of soil. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to investigate the influence of Zn deficiency on the shoot and root dry matter yields and the release rate of organic acids (malic, citric and acetic acids) commonly identified in root exudations of maize under Zn deficiency conditions. Materials and Methods Seeds of maize (SC703 and SC704) were surface sterilized and germinated in perlite moistened with distilled water. After seven days, the seedlings were transferred to 5-L containers with continuously aerated nutrient solution. Three Zn levels (0, 0.5, and 1 µM) were added to nutrient solutions. Ten weeks after maize emergence, intact plants were removed from nutrient solution and after two hours of the onset of the light period, roots samples were in opaque vessels containing fresh solution. The volume of collected solution was sufficient to submerge the whole maize roots samples. After three hours, roots samples were removed from the vessel and solution containing roots exudates was filtered and frozen at −20 ◦C until analysis of organic acids was performed. Organic acids were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Organic acids in the samples were identified by comparison with the retention time and absorption spectra of pure standards including malic, citric and acetic acid. The 1-cm washed root segments were placed in a beaker containing 10 mL deionized water and then root samples were immersed at 30◦C for three h, and then conductivity of solution was measured. The samples were boiled for 2 min, cooled to room temperature (25◦C) and then EC samples were measured. The electrolyte leakage was calculated as follows: Where C1 and C2 are electrical conductivities measured before and after boiling, respectively. Roots and shoot samples were ignited at 580 ◦C in an oven for 5 h and Zn concentration measured using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Results and Discussion In both genotypes shoot dry matter yield (SDMY) was significantly improved with increasing Zn concentration in nutrient solution. The highest value of SDMY was 19.8 g and belonged to Zn-adequacy level (1 µM) in SC703 genotype which had no significant difference with SC704 under the same treatments. There was no significant difference between Zn-sufficient and Zn-deficiency (0.5 µM) in SDMY in genotype SC703 whereas, a significant difference was observed at the same treatments in genotype SC704. The lowest value of SDMY was 14.7 g and belonged to the Zn-free treatment for genotype SC704. Root dry matter yield (RDMY) significantly increased with increasing Zn concentration in nutrient solution in both genotypes. The highest value of RDMY was 9.6 g and belonged to the treatment of Zn-adequacy for SC703 genotype which had no significant difference with SC704 genotype under the same treatment. The lowest value of RDMY was 4.8 g which was observed in Zn-free treatment for SC704 genotype. Results showed that the rate of organic acid exudation in both Maize genotypes decreased with increasing Zn levels in nutrient solution. The highest rate of MA exudation (6.6 mg /g root dry weight) was observed in Zn-free (Zn0) treatment in SC703 genotype and the lowest rate (1.98 mg g RDW-1) was observed in 1µm Zn treatment in SC704 genotype. Similar to MA, the rate of citric acid (CA) exudation rate significantly decreased with increasing Zn levels in nutrient solution. The highest rate of CA exudation rate was 1.06 (mg gRDW-1) and observed in Zn-free (Zn0) SC703 genotype. The lowest rate of CA was observed in 1µm Zn treatment SC704 genotype 0.2 (mg gRDW-1). The concentration of acetic acid (AA) was below the detection limit of HPLC in Zn sufficient and Zn deficiency treatments. However, AA concentrations in Zn-free were 0.66 and 0.25 (mg gRDW-1), respectively in SC703 and SC704 genotypes. The rate of MA was significantly higher than CA (4times) and AA (15 times higher). All organic acids exudation rate decreased with increasing Zn concentration in nutrient solution. There was a negative relationship between root and shoot Zn concentration with MA and CA exudation rate. MA, CA and AA exudation rate decreased as the concentration of Zn increased in root and shoot of maize. Roots membrane permeability decreased with increasing Zn concentration in nutrients solution which led to the reduction in root exudations. In both maize genotypes, the highest rate of root membrane permeability belonged to the Zn-free treatment (Zn0) which had the highest root exudation of organic acid and the lowest rate was observed in1µM Zn level with the lowest rate of organic acid exudation. It seems that Zn concentration in maize shoot control the release of root exudation of organic acids. In general, based on the results it can be concluded that SC703 genotype was more tolerant to Zn-deficiency compared to SC704 genotype partly due to the higher release rate of root organic acids. Further investigation is required to fully understand the physiology of organic acids release under Zn deficiency conditions.
Research Paper
Serve Moradi; Kamal Nabiollahi; Syed Mohammad taher hossaini
Introduction Soil quality is the capacity of soil function to sustain plant and animal productivities, to maintain or enhance water and air quality and to support human health. Slope position and deforestation are known to influence soil quality and assessing the soil quality degradation is important ...
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Introduction Soil quality is the capacity of soil function to sustain plant and animal productivities, to maintain or enhance water and air quality and to support human health. Slope position and deforestation are known to influence soil quality and assessing the soil quality degradation is important to soil management. Soil-quality indices are a common and easy way to quantify soil quality; they can improve understanding of soil ecosystems and allow more efficient soil management Two soil indicator selection approaches, total data sets and minimum data sets have been widely used to evaluate soil quality. The region of Marivan in Kurdistan province is one of the forested areas of Zagros which has been threatened due to population growth and increasing demand for food and, some parts are now under agriculture land use. Based on the present reports, deforestation and cultivation on the sloping areas have started almost 30 years ago. The aim of this research was to assess the effect of forest degradation and slope position on soil quality index. Materials and Methods The study area is located in Kurdistan Province, about 10 km northeast of Marivan city, west Iran (46°24΄ 46°40΄E, 35°42΄ 35°50΄N). Two adjacent sites were selected, consisting of a natural forest and deforested cultivated land on a hill slope. Average annual precipitation and temperature are 813 mm and 13.8 °C, respectively. Soil moisture and temperature regimes are Xeric and Mesic, respectively. Forests of the study area are relative intensive and their main forest vegetation is oak. In this study, 24 soil samples (0–20 cm depth) were taken from four slope positions (shoulder, back slope, foot slope and toe slope) of forest and adjacent deforested cultivated soils. Eight profiles (on each slope positions of both land uses) were also described. Fifteen soil properties: pH, electrical conductivity, sodium adsorption ratio, organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, carbonat calcium equivalent, soil erodibility, soil porosity, mean weight diameter of aggregates, available water, soil microbial respiration, available phosphorous, available potassium, total nitrogen, bulk density, were measured for 24 soil samples (0–20 cm depth). These Fifteen soil properties were applied as the total data set. Then, seven soil properties were selected as minimum data set using principle component analysis. Weight and score of each property were found using communality and scoring function (including more is better, low is better and optimum) and finally weighted additive and nemoro soil quality indices was computed. Results and Discussion: Seven soil properties (including soil organic carbon, cation exchange capacity, bulk density, soil erodibility, plant available water content, available potassium and total nitrogen) were selected as total data set using principle component analysis. The soils formed in low slope positions had higher depth and evolution compared to high slope positions. The results also showed land use change of forest land to cropland has led to degradation of Mollisols. The results showed that the mean values for weighted additive and nemoro soil quality indices in the deforested were significantly lower compared to forest. The mean values for weighted additive and nemoro soil quality indices in the shoulder were significantly lower compared to other slope position. significantly Strong Pearson correlation coefficients (0.98) were obtained between computed weighted additive soil quality index using total data set and a minimum data set. Conclusion: The results showed that forest degradation in the Marivan region led to a decrease in weighted additive and nemoro soil quality indices through a significant reduction of organic carbon, microbial respiration, total nitrogen, CEC, soil porosity and available moisture and significant increasing of bulk density, pH, SAR and soil erodibility. Forest degradation and land use change also due to cultivation led to decrease in the organic carbon content and soil structure degradation of Mollic horizon. Therefore, Mollic horizon has converted to Ochric horizon and Entisols and Inceptisols have formed in cropland land use. Moreover, the results showed different slope positions affect weighted additive soil quality index and mark significant difference. The results also showed that using the weighted additive soil quality index and minimum data set method can adequately represent total data set (R2=0.98) and thus reduce the time and cost involved in evaluating soil quality. Slope positions and where forest was converted to agriculture were characterized by low values of weighted additive soil quality index, suggesting a recovery of soil quality through changing to sustainable practices.
Research Paper
Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Ali Abdolahi; Mehdi Taghavi; Mojtaba Norouzi masir; Abdolamir Moezzi
Nanotechnology has created a range of new applications in different stages of agriculture. The application of Nano-fertilizers for plants is of vital importance because of its unique properties, such as the specific surface and high reactivity. Many studies have investigated the effect of metal nanoparticles ...
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Nanotechnology has created a range of new applications in different stages of agriculture. The application of Nano-fertilizers for plants is of vital importance because of its unique properties, such as the specific surface and high reactivity. Many studies have investigated the effect of metal nanoparticles on yield and concentration of elements in the plant. The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effects of Functionalized Iron Oxide Nanoparticles (FIONPs) on plant yield, concentration and uptake of Zinc in root and shoots of wheat under greenhouse cultivation in a calcareous soil. Materials and Methods This study was conducted in the greenhouse condition as a randomized complete design with three replications. Treatment consisted of functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles (Hydroxyl: OH, Carboxyl: COOH and Amine: NH2) each at three levels (100, 200 and 300, ZnSO4 (40 kg.ha-1) and Control. During the experiment, some parameters such as the plant height and chlorophyll index were measured. At the end of the cultivation period, dry weight and Zn concentration of root, shoot and grain was determined using Atomic absorption apparatus (Perkin elmer A_Analyst 200 model). Likewise, content of soil available Zn was measured using DTPA. Results The amount of available zinc in all levels of iron oxide nanoparticles, except Amine iron oxide nanoparticles (at levels of 200 and 300 mg / kg), was significantly (p < 0.01) increased compared to control. The maximum amount of soil available Zn were observed in levels of 300, 200 and 100 Carboxyl iron oxide nanoparticles with 83.64, 70.91 and 63.64% increment compared to control, respectively. Effect of treatments of functionalized iron oxide nanoparticles and zinc sulfate on chlorophyll content, plant height and dry weight of shoots was significant (p < 0.01). The maximum yield of root and shoot was obtained at the level of 300 of Carboxyl iron oxide nanoparticles with 34.74 and 25.1% increment compared to control, respectively. The maximum grain yield was observed at the level of 300 of Carboxyl iron oxide nanoparticles with 36.51% increment compared to control. The maximum chlorophyll content was obtained in Carboxyl iron oxide nanoparticles (at level of 300 mg. kg-1) with 11.38% increment compared to control. The maximum of Zinc concentration in root, shoot and grain was observed at the level of 300 carboxylic oxide nanoparticles with 103.62, 159.26 and 26.87% increment compared to control, respectively. Conclusions The results showed that application of FIONPs improved soil pH and subsequently available zinc of soil. Also, nanoparticles increased the yield, concentration and uptake of zinc in root, shoots and grain of wheat. Therefore, based on the obtained results from this study, it can be said that use of new strategies such as nanoparticles can be useful in improving soil conditions and bioavailability of Micronutrient like Zinc and reducing chemical fertilizers.