Document Type : Research Paper
1 Associate Professor, Department of Horticultural science, College of Agricultural and natural resources, Arak University, Arak, Iran.
2 Former M.Sc., Department of Horticultural science, College of Agricultural and natural resources, Arak University, Arak, Iran
Introduction: One of the important proceedings in propagation process of plants is improving the speed of rooting and shortening this propagation period. Today, use of natural materials as an alternative for chemical fertilizer is concerned with successful rooting of cuttings in ornamental plants that in some cases have perceived well and effective influence of these biofertilizer compared with chemicals. Zamioculcas zamiifolia is a valuable ornamental indoor plant. The production of this plant in short time is commercially important. An important stage in the process of accelerating this plant production is to improve the rooting and shortening its growth stage. Therefore, the simultaneous effect of mycorrhizal biofertilizer and biochar on Zamioculcas zamiifolia propagation was studied in this research.
Materials and Methods: This study was performed in the greenhouse in the faculty of agriculture and environmental science of Arak University with controlled conditions of 25 ◦C temperature, 70% humidity and 10,000 lux of light. Treatments were included biochar 5% + arbuscular mycorrhizal biofertilizer 6%, biochar 10% + arbuscular mycorrhizal biofertilizer 6%, biochar 5% + arbuscular mycorrhizal biofertilizer 12%, and biochar 10% + arbuscular mycorrhizal biofertilizer 12%, and control (without biochar and arbuscular mycorrhizal biofertilizer). The arbuscular mycorrhizal biofertilizer was mixture of Clarodeoglomus etunicatum, Rhizophagus irregularis, Funneliformis mosseae. The experiment was performed as a completely randomized design (CRD) at three replicates. The pots were containing cocopeat + perlite (1:1) and different treatments of arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer and biochar. Morphological and physiological traits such as off-shoot number, Leafy cuttings color, Leaf width, Leaf length, Shoot length, root number, root length, rhizome diameter, chlorophyll a, b and total chlorophyll content, fresh weight (FW) of roots and shoots, the dry weight (DW) of roots and shoots, Saturation weight, relative water content (RWC), biomass, electrolyte leakage and arbuscular mycorrhizal root colonization were measured after 9 months.
Results and Discussion: Biochar and arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer application in propagation medium increased off-shoot growth of Zamioculcas zamiifolia. The results showed that the highest roots number was obtained in the treatments of arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer 12% + biochar 10% which was followed by arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer 6% + biochar 5%. The maximum root length was observed by arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer 12% + biochar 5% treatment. The root colonization had a positive correlation with the number of off-shoot, leaf size, shoot FW and leaf chlorophyll content. The application of biochar 10% + arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer 6% treatment caused an increase in the height of the shoot about 3.3 times more than the control. The highest rhizome diameter was observed in biochar 10% + arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer 6% treatment. The maximum off-shoot number was measured in the treatment of biochar 10% + arbuscular mycorrhizal biofertilizer 6% treatment which was 1.8 times more than control. No signs of colonization were observed in the control, but the roots colonization in the arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilization treatment 12% was 1.6 times more that in the arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer 6%. Increasing the amount of biochar and arbuscular mycorrhiza application in the propagation medium enhanced arbuscular mycorrhiza roots colonization of Zamioculcas zamiifolia. A significant positive correlation was observed between the number of off-shoot and the total biomass (r=0.95). A high positive correlation was observed between the fresh weight of shoot and the saturated weight (r=0.95). There was a significant positive correlation between saturated weight with total chlorophyll (r=0.97) and total biomass (r=0.96). The relationship between total chlorophyll and biomass was a significant positive (r=0.95). There was a significant positive correlation between the root colonization and chlorophyll a (r=0.83). A significant negative correlation was detected between dry weight of shoot and dry weight of root (r=0.94) and dry weight of root with relative water content (r=0.95).
Conclusion: Generally, in the most of studied traits, the use of biochar and arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer in the culture medium improved the off-shoot growth and rooting characteristics of Zamioculcas zamiifolia compared to the control. Shortening the propagation period of this slow growth and luxury plant is significant aspects in the production of this ornamental plant that reduce production costs and make the product more cost-effective. The use of biochar 10% + arbuscular mycorrhiza biofertilizer 6% in culture medium is recommended to improve the quantitative and qualitative properties through the propagation of this ornamental houseplant.
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