Volume 46 (2023)
Volume 45 (2022)
Volume 44 (2021)
Volume 43 (2020)
Volume 42 (2019)
Volume 41 (2018)
Volume 40 (2017)
Volume 39 (2016)
Volume 38 (2015)
Volume 37 (2014)
Volume 36 (2013)
Volume 35 (2012)
Volume 34 (2011)
Volume 33 (2010)
Volume 1.32 (1975-2009)
Number of Articles 396
Number of Contributors 870
Article View 327,492
PDF Download 222,335
View Per Article 827
PDF Download Per Article 561.45
Number of Submissions 736
Accepted Submissions 267
Acceptance Rate 36
Time to Accept (Days) 180
Number of Indexing Databases 5

Scientific Association of Agricultural Machine Engineering and Mechanization of Iran



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The Journal of "Agricultural Engineering" is published quarterly by Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz with the aim of exchanging knowledge and thinking among researchers and specialists in soil science and biosystem engineering. The journal invites all experts and interested parties to publish their research findings through the Journal of Agricultural Engineering. Authors must first consider the goals and vision of the publication and then prepare and submit their article to this publication based on thematic relevance and according to the guidelines of the authors' guide. All manuscripts are checked by the plagiarism diagnostic software Hamanandjoo (Irandoc)  to identify the originality of the articles. This journal is not a member of the International Committee on Ethics in Publication (COPE) but follows its principles and complies with the highest ethical standards in accordance with ethical laws.

Agricultural Engineering Journal examines, accepts and publishes all scientific articles derived from research studies and reviews in the fields of soil engineering and biosystem engineering in the following areas.

- Soil engineering sciences: soil chemistry and pollution, soil fertility and plant nutrition, soil biology and biotechnology, soil formation and classification, application of remote sensing in soil studies, soil management and land use, soil physics and mechanics, water-soil relationship and Plant, soil erosion and protection, oil pollution of soil and environment, dust.

-Biosystem engineering: designing and building systems, precise and intelligent agriculture, post-harvest technology, food industry machines, agricultural mechanization, robotics in agriculture, artificial intelligence, energy in agriculture, waste management and other research related to biosystem engineering.

Signing of a memorandum of understanding between Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and the Scientific Association of Agricultural Machine Engineering and Mechanization of Iran

This is to inform all respected authors that on 2023.11.15, an agreement was signed between Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz and the Scientific Association of Agricultural Machines and Mechanization of Iran in order to cooperate in the publication of the journal.


Important Notice

According to the approvals of the editorial board of the Journal of Agricultural Engineering, considering that in all the articles submitted by the students, there will be correspondence with the supervisor, so the author is responsible for the article of the supervisor and they must send the article to the journal. 

Research Paper Energy and Renewable Energies
Evaluation of anaerobic digestion of municipal waste and biogas production efficiency in combination with animal waste

Davood Mohammadzamani; Mahdi Jafari; Mohammad Rasooli

Volume 47, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 143-160


  Introduction The yield of methane production in the anaerobic digestion processes of municipal organic solid waste alone is low. Adding animal waste or other additives to municipal solid waste as feed for anaerobic digestion system not only increases the relative composition of methane, but also increases ...  Read More

Research Paper Land Evaluation and Suitability
Comparison of determination of suitability of lands by storie and square root methods and geographic information systems with methods of soil quality indices

foziyeh kohani; Hamid Reza Matinfar; Mahmod Rostamtnia; Alireza Amirian-Chakan

Volume 47, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 161-183


  Introduction Assessing land suitability and determining its production potential to manage soil and land resources is one of the best sustainable agricultural policies. Barley is the second most cultivated crop in Iran after wheat. However, all soils in Iran are equally suitable for barley production. ...  Read More

Research Paper Soil Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Investigation of the tolerance to crude oil in the fungal strains isolated from the Maron oilfield of Ahvaz

Farzaneh Dehdari; Mehdi Mehrabi-Koushki; Hamid Alvanipour; Jamshid Hayati

Volume 47, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 185-200


  Introduction: Soil contamination by crude oil is common in oilfield in different processes including extraction, transfer and refining of crude oil and its products. Bioremediation is an interesting strategy to remediation of soils polluted with crude oils and its derivatives. This method is based on ...  Read More

Research Paper Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Effect of mineral amendments on yield, yield component and some macro nutrients concentration of soybean in two soil with different characteristics.

Ali Amiri Gelwardi; Mohammad Ali Bahmanyar; Bahi Jalili

Volume 47, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 201-216


  Introduction: The environmental effects caused by the use of chemical fertilizers, including water and soil pollution, are a threat to the health of the environment. Researchers are trying to reduce the harmful effects of using chemical fertilizers and applying as much mineral resources as possible in ...  Read More

Research Paper Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Evaluation of the dispersion criteria of loess soils in relation to climate and physicochemical characteristics (case study: Golestan province)

lida piri moghadam; farhad khormali; hamed rezaei; Farshad Kiani

Volume 47, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 217-237


  Introduction: loess are a special type of silty soil with a porous structure and poor cohesion, and often contain silt with minor amounts of clay to fine sand . These characteristics make loess among the problematic soils in terms of engineering geology. problematic soils are observed in different parts ...  Read More

Research Paper Energy and Renewable Energies
Locating a power plant with biogas feed obtained from anaerobic digestion of animal manure (Case study: Southeast of Khuzestan province)

Abbas Shekofte del; Abbas Asakereh; Mohsen Soleymani; Seyed Mohammad Safieddin Ardebili

Volume 47, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 239-257


  Introduction: Anaerobic digestion, in addition to producing biogas, can minimize the environmental problems of animal manure and produce high-quality fertilizer. Finding suitable places for the construction of anaerobic digestion reactors is essential for the sustainable development of these types of ...  Read More

Research Paper Energy and Renewable Energies
Analyzing the efficiency of biodiesel production through exergy analysis of transesterification

Mahmoud Karimi; Reza Mohammadigol; roohollah rahimi

Volume 47, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 259-277


  Introduction: Biodiesel is viewed as a promising alternative to fossil fuels due to its favorable chemical properties and environmental benefits. Research has shifted towards producing biodiesel from non-edible oils and waste cooking oils to avoid food scarcity issues. The high cost of production is ...  Read More

Research Paper Soil Chemistry and Pollution
Identification of microplastics and their effects on some chemical and biological characteristics of soils in an urban landfill (Ahvaz)

Nima Davodi; Mostafa Chorom; Nematollah Jaafarzadeh Haghighi fard

Volume 47, Issue 2 , June 2024, Pages 279-298


  Introduction: Today, the production of plastic in the world is more than 400 million tons per year. This massive volume of plastic, in the form of various products from kitchen appliances to industrial and agricultural products, is growing rapidly. According to the statistics presented in 2020, about ...  Read More

Effect of Tillage and Planting Methods in Hill Slopes on Soil Erosion and Wheat Grain Yield under Rain Fed Conditions in Kermanshah Province

Jalal Zakii; Mohammad Asoodar; Morteza Almasi

Volume 35, Issue 2 , March 2012, , Pages 1-12

  The erosion in dryland causes decrease in yield and soil quality, especially in slope lands with conventional tillage. To investigate the effects of tillage and planting methods in slope lands on erosion and yield of rain fed wheat, an experiment was conducted in 2007-2008 at Kermanshah Province. The ...  Read More

Ergonomic Evaluation of the Posture of Dates Packinghouse Workers by REBA Method
Volume 37, Issue 1 , September 2014, , Pages 13-22

  This study was conducted among dates’ packinghouse workers with the objectives of a) determining of MSDs prevalence and b) evaluating level of exposure to MSDs risk factors. The results of this study can be used to develop MSDs preventive strategies in the workplace and improve workers’ health. ...  Read More

Application of gypsum and manure on improving the amount of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in leaves and seeds of wheat under salinity stress

Arezoo Mohammadi; Mohammad Bahmanyar; Mehdi Ghajar Sepanlou

Volume 36, Issue 1 , September 2013, , Pages 1-11

  Salinity limited plant growth and will decrease the yield with decrease in solution osmotic pressure, nutrient imbalance and toxicity of some specific elements. Application of amendment materials such as gypsum and cattle manure can adjust the undesirable effects and increase the nutrient elements in ...  Read More

The Effects of Different Sizes of Particles of a Superabsorbent Polymer on Water Holding Capacity of Two Different Soil Textures

Atefeh Dashtbozorg; Gholamabbas Sayyad; Iraj Kazeminezhad; Mousa Mesgarbashi

Volume 36, Issue 1 , September 2013, , Pages 65-75

  Superabsorbent polymers are water containers that absorb and retain large quantities of water when applied to the soil. These materials release the absorbed water, allowing the plants to consume adequate amounts of water at all growth stages. One of the best options for increasing the irrigation efficiency ...  Read More

Estimating Soil Erosion and Sedimentation Using Cesium-137 Method: A Case Study (Raymaleh Watershed, Lorestan)

Hamid Matinfar; Manouchehr Kalhor; Afshin Shabani; Saleh Arkhi

Volume 35, Issue 2 , March 2012, , Pages 37-54

  The rate of soil erosion and sediment yield estimation in the catchment areas is considered as an important factor for soil and water conservation practices. Due to difficulties and restrictions in common soil erosion methods, applying a high accuracy method with lowest cost and time consuming would ...  Read More

Research Paper Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Effect of co-application of zinc enriched biochar and foliar application of zinc on some physiological traits and the zinc uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Narges sousaraeS; Mojtaba Barani Motlagh; Seyed Alireza Movahedi Naeini

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 27 May 2024


  Introduction: When the supply of micronutrients needed by the plant is insufficient, not only the yield of the product but also the quality of plant products are affected. Application of organic amendments is one of the ways to increase the nutrients such as zinc uptake by plants for. Biochar can be ...  Read More

Applicable Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
The Effect of Humic Acid and Biochar on the Quantitative, Qualitative, Biochemical and Nutritional Characteristics of Anthurium Plants under Hydroponic Cultivation System

Esmaeil Khaleghi; Mehrangiz Chehrazi; Hojjat Shirazi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 10 July 2024


  Introduction Anthurium (Anthurium scherzerianum schott) is one of the most important ornamental plants with beautiful leaves and flowers. The quantitative and qualitative characteristics of this flower can be affected by many factors, including the cultivation and feeding system. Biochar is a carbon-rich ...  Read More

Applicable Post-harvest technology
Detecting the adulteration of Arabica coffee from Robusta using electronic nose and artificial intelligence

Saleh Azari; Esmaeil Mirzaee- Ghaleh; Hekmat Rabbani; Hamed Karami

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 20 July 2024


  Introduction: Coffee is a common drink which is obtained from the roasted and ground beans of the coffee plant. Coffee beverages are widely consumed as a stimulant, a property largely attributed to the presence of caffeine, which is the most active pharmaceutical ingredient consumed worldwide. When the ...  Read More

Applicable Remote Sensing and GIS
Monitoring and classification of crops with satellite remote sensing technology

Nikrooz Bagheri; Alireza Sabzevari; Ali Rajabipour

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 05 August 2024


  Introduction The use of remote sensing, due to the provision of timely data and the high capability of image analysis, as well as the possibility of studying in a wide range with acceptable accuracy, is of great help to the planners and implementers of the agricultural sector. Remote sensing is one of ...  Read More

Applicable Post Harvesting Technology
Optimization of preparation conditions and characterization of micropowder of sour tea extract containing anthocyanin by spray drying method

Parham Afshari; Narges Shahgholian; Hassan Zaki Dizaji

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 14 August 2024


  Introduction Drying is one of the most economical ways to preserve food and is used to increase its shelf- life. Microencapsulation protects sensitive foods from adverse environmental conditions (such as the effect of moisture and oxygen) and reduces food quality fluctuations. The principle of microencapsulation ...  Read More

Applicable Design and Evaluation of Agricultural Machines
Design, Construction and Performance Evaluation of a Novel Combinatorial Compressed Air Driven Water Pump

sara saki; Mohamad Esmail Khorasani Ferdavani; Seied Mohamad safieddin Ardebili; Amir Soltani Mohammadi

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 16 August 2024


  Introduction: Compressed air is a versatile energy source used in various applications. However, pumping water with compressed air requires specific designs. Various designs have been proposed for pumping water using compressed air. Some of these designs include Air jet pumps, air-lift pumps, diaphragm ...  Read More

Applicable Soil Genesis and Classification
Incorporation of spatial autocorrelation in soil salinity distribution modeling in Qazvin area

Azam Jafari; Fereydoon Sarmadian; Ahmad Heidari; Zahra Rasaei

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 04 September 2024


  Introduction: Machine learning algorithms usually do not consider spatial autocorrelation in soil data, unless it is perspicuity specified. Machine learning algorithms that compute autocorrelated observations have been recently formulated, such as geographic random forest (Georganos et al., 2019), or ...  Read More

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