Volume 47 (2024)
Volume 46 (2023)
Volume 45 (2022)
Volume 44 (2021)
Volume 43 (2020)
Volume 42 (2019)
Volume 41 (2018)
Volume 40 (2017)
Volume 39 (2016)
Volume 38 (2015)
Volume 37 (2014)
Volume 36 (2013)
Volume 35 (2012)
Volume 34 (2011)
Volume 33 (2010)
Volume 1.32 (1975-2009)
Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Investigating the temporal changes in some soil quality properties in different tillage management in agricultural lands of western Golestan province

Bahareh Kiani; Farshad Kiani; Azam Rezaee; Pouneh Ebrahimi; Samaneh Mahzari

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 29 December 2024


  Introduction: Different strategies have been proposed to sustainable soil management, including conservation agriculture. Conservation agriculture is based on four principles. Reducing plowing and soil disturbance, leaving an appropriate amount of plant residues on the soil surface, crop rotation with ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Investigating the use of Reflectometry and surface soil color for separation of surfaces exposed to gully erosion

Mitra Yarahmadi; Ataallah Khademalrasoul; hadi Amerikhah

Articles in Press, Accepted Manuscript, Available Online from 11 January 2025


  Introduction: Soil erosion is the most prevailing form of soil degradation which is really play an important role on the mass balance index of soil particles in the watersheds. Moreover, regarding the on-site and off-site effects of erosion essentially has to measure and predict the soil loss using different ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Improving the accuracy of soil heavy metal concentration estimation based on spectral reflectance by minimizing the effect of moisture with the external parameter orthogonalization algorithm

Soheila Alioghli; Mahmoud Shabanpour; Hosein Ali Bahrami

Volume 47, Issue 3 , October 2024, , Pages 429-444


  Introduction: Rapid global industrial development has led to a significant increase in the risk of environmental contamination with heavy metals. Soil contamination with heavy metals is a challenge due to the risks associated with human health and the environment, as well as soil-related food security. ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Evaluation of the dispersion criteria of loess soils in relation to climate and physicochemical characteristics (case study: Golestan province)

lida piri moghadam; farhad khormali; hamed rezaei; Farshad Kiani

Volume 47, Issue 2 , June 2024, , Pages 217-237


  Introduction: loess are a special type of silty soil with a porous structure and poor cohesion, and often contain silt with minor amounts of clay to fine sand . These characteristics make loess among the problematic soils in terms of engineering geology. problematic soils are observed in different parts ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Simulation of daily suspended sediment of Roud-Zard River using different machine learning techniques

Heidar Ghafari; Hadi Ameri khah

Volume 46, Issue 1 , June 2023, , Pages 101-119


  Introduction: The processes of soil erosion and sediment transport along rivers are the main causes of some socio-economic and environmental problems, such as a reduction in water quality, storage capacity of dams, destruction of aquatic habitats, failure of hydroelectric power plants, and soil degradation. ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Investigation the soil structural stability, physical quality (S index) and organic carbon as affected by wetting and drying cycles in the presence of safflower residues

Vajiheh Dorostkar; Zahra Ganji Norouzi; Safoora Nahidan

Volume 42, Issue 2 , June 2019, , Pages 99-114


  Introduction Conservation and improvement the soil structural stability play a key role in soil management in agro ecosystems especially in arid and semiarid region with high erosion potential. Soil structure is an important soil physical property and has many effects on other soil physical, chemical ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Investigating the adsorption and filtration indices of bacterial coli transport in the preferential flow system

Sahar Akhavan; Soheila Ebrahimi; Maryam Navabian; Mahmoud Shabanpour; Alireza Movahedi; Ali Mojtahedi

Volume 42, Issue 1 , May 2019, , Pages 1-12


  Introduction Soil macropores are the prominent factor in the transfer of wastewater, fertilizers, and microorganisms, including fecal bacteria to deeper soils and even underground waters. On the other hand, a vast majority of land in Iran is located in arid and semi-arid regions. Therefore, the use of ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Wind-driven rain influence on interrill erosion using the simultaneous wind-rainfall-runoff simulator

Ruhollah Rezaei Arshad; M Mahmudabadi; Mohammad Hady Farpoor; Majid Fekri

Volume 41, Issue 3 , December 2018, , Pages 55-72


  Introduction Under natural conditions, intensive and erosive storms commonly associate with high-speed winds. In fact, wind velocity affects water erosion rate through enforcing falling drops and enhancing rainfall erosivity. Therefore, knowledge of interaction between wind and rain as erosive agents ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Assessment of the BSNE sampler efficiency and the capacity of sediment particles transportability in wind erosion using wind tunnel experiment

Hossein Kheirabadi; Vahidreza Jalali; Hormozd Naghavi

Volume 41, Issue 2 , September 2018, , Pages 27-43


  Introduction: The trap efficiency of sediment catcher plays an important role in the study of wind erosion and its measurements. The sediment trap efficiency generally varies with particle size distribution and wind velocity. Worldwide, wind tunnel facility has been used by many researchers to determine ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Investigating the application of biochar, bentonite clay and polyvinyl acetate polymer on some mechanical properties of sand deposits

shamsollah ayoubi; zanyar feizi; Mohammad reza Mosaddeghi; Ali asghaar besaltpour

Volume 41, Issue 2 , September 2018, , Pages 83-97


  Investigating the application of biochar, bentonite clay and polyvinyl acetate polymer on some mechanical properties of sand deposits IntroductionWind erosion seriously threatens bare soils and is recognized as a global environmental problem; however, little is known about this process in comparison ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Cesium-137, Variability, Reference site, Soil properties, Magnetic susceptibility, Fereydan area

Nasim Bazshushtarizadeh; shamsollah ayoubi

Volume 41, Issue 1 , June 2018, , Pages 1-16


  Introduction 137Cs is an artificial radionuclide with a half-life of 30.2 years and strong gamma radiation that, due to nuclear explosions in the 1950s, and 1960s entered the earth's surface by the rain. The radionuclide has been widely used for the evaluation rates and patterns of soil erosion and deposition. ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Effect of Some Conservation Practices on Soil Biological Quality Indices in The Chehelchai Region, Golestan province

Motahareh Noorzade Roshan; Reza Ghorbani Nasrabadi

Volume 41, Issue 1 , June 2018, , Pages 17-28


  Introduction Soil quality has been defined as a “The potential of soil to play a positive relationship with the other parts of ecosystem”. Soil biological indicators provide insight into the living component of the soil. Similar to physical and chemical indicators, biological indicators have ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Evaluation of different methods of soil structural stability determination for predicting splash erosion

Hamid Kelishadi; Mohammad Reza Mosaddeghi; Shamsollah Ayoubi; Hossein Asadi

Volume 41, Issue 4 , March 2018, , Pages 1-15


  Introduction Soil erosion is one of the major obstacles to sustainable development. A large part of Iran has an arid and semi-arid climate, without vegetation with suitable density or even completely without vegetation. Therefore, many parts of the country face high erosion and soil losses. Previous ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Effect of grape leaves and pomegranate peel on soil structural stability and water repellency in different salinity levels

Vajiheh Dorostkar; Reyhane Vali

Volume 40, Issue 2 , March 2018, , Pages 29-46


  Introduction Crop production in arid and semi arid regions especially in saline soils always has many problems. Soil low organic matter content is one of the limiting factors in arid condition. Incorporation of plant residues is a good strategy for increasing the soil organic carbon and consequently ...  Read More

Soil Physics, Erosion and Conservation
Effects of land management on soil erodibility-A case study in part of Zayandeh-Rood watershed

E. Karami; S. Ghorbani Dashtaki; Bijan Khalilimoghadam

Volume 40, Issue 2 , March 2018, , Pages 105-119


  Introduction Soil erodibility can be viewed as the integral result of the processes determining the infiltration of rain into the soil and of the processes determining the soil’s resistance to the detachment of its particles and their subsequent transport (Lal, 1988). It is generally considered ...  Read More