Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Fatemeh Foroozesh fard; Shohreh Zivdar; Esmaeil Khaleghi; Edris Shabani
Introduction: One of the important aspects of nutrition physiology in fruit trees is the study of seasonal changes in leaf elements, because the seasonal pattern of absorption and distribution of nutrient elements is very important in estimating the fertilizer requirement of fruit orchards. The movement ...
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Introduction: One of the important aspects of nutrition physiology in fruit trees is the study of seasonal changes in leaf elements, because the seasonal pattern of absorption and distribution of nutrient elements is very important in estimating the fertilizer requirement of fruit orchards. The movement of nutrients in fruit crops has been reported a lot, and the plants' need for a specific element is influenced by a specific growth stage in the plant. Research has shown that nutrient accumulation occurs as a continuous process throughout the growing season. In plants, the change process of elements is different in the seasons. By examining the dynamics of elements during different seasons and having the necessary information about these changes, it is possible to examine the relationship between the demand for nutrients during the periods of vegetative and reproductive growth.In Iran, many research has been done on the nutritional requirements of different commercial fruit cultivars, and many studies have reported the dynamics of nutrients in fruit trees during the growing season, but in the case of dates, despite the relative diversity Regarding the cultivars of this plant and Iran's presence in the international competitive markets, there was no report on measuring the dynamics of nutrient elements during the seasons. In the upcoming research, the seasonal evaluation of the concentration of some macronutrients and micronutrients in the leaves of three date varieties has been done.This study was carried out in order to evaluate the seasonal changes in nutrients in the leaves of three date varieties.Materials and Methods: This experiment was conducted in the date palm research garden in the northern part of Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz, in a randomized complete block design with four replications, during 2022 on the leaves of ten years old date palm cultivars (Berhi, Estamaran, and Zahedi). In this experiment, the trend of seasonal changes in macro nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and calcium) and micro nutrients (iron, copper, boron, zinc and manganese) concentration, were investigated throughout the four seasons.After collecting the data, the data was statistically analyzed using SAS 9.1 statistical software, and Duncan's test was used to compare the average data at the level of one and five percent.Results and Discussion: The results showed that the seasons have a significant effect on the concentration of the elements except nitrogen and manganese. Also, the interaction of season and cultivar had a significant effect on the concentration of all nutrients. In terms of macronutrients, Berhi had a better condition, especially during the growing season (spring and summer). The highest difference in terms of element concentration was observed between the winter and growth seasons for date cultivars. The minimum concentration of nitrogen (0.94%) was for Zahedi in spring and winter and the maximum concentration was 2.01% for Barhi (winter). Phosphorus concentration was recorded from the lowest (0.13%) in winter and spring to the highest (0.36%) in summer for Barhi. The range of potassium changes ranged from 1.01% (Estamaran, autumn) to 1.18% (Zahedi, winter). The seasonal changes in calcium concentration was recorded between 0.76 and 0.92%. Also, the range of changes in iron concentration during the year was from 65 to 130 mg/kg and during the growing season to mid-summer from 87 to 117 mg/kg. Bades on the results, leaf iron concentration was estimated to be less than optimal in all seasons. Also the concentration of nitrogen, potassium and copper in leaves decreased during the growth season, especially in summer, and can be due to the consumption of these elements for reproductive growth.Conclusion: The concentration of minerals in plants depends on the interaction of several factors including soil, plant species, climate, growth stages, plant production and management and the interaction of elements during absorption. The successful growth of plants and trees requires suitable soil and the presence of sufficient amounts of usable elements and the relationship between them, among which nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium elements are among the main essential elements required by the plant.The results showed that there is a significant seasonal variation in macronutrients and micronutrients in three date varieties. Also, different seasonal changes patterns were observed among cultivars regarding elements. In such a way, potassium and calcium are more stable than nitrogen and phosphorus during different seasons of the year. Macronutrients (phosphorus and calcium) and micronutrients (zinc, boron and manganese) were at the optimal level. But, the amount of nitrogen, potassium, iron and copper was evaluated as less than the optimal level, which suggests the use of fertilizers containing the mentioned elements at the end of winter..
Soil Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Morvarid HemmatiTabar; Setareh َAmanifar; Elaheh Vatankhah; Elham Malekzadeh
Introduction Nickel (Ni) is a fundamental micronutrient in plants but hampers plant growth and metabolism at elevated levels in the soil. Ni toxicity to plants is manifested mainly by the decrease in germination efficiency, the inhibition of growth and root branching, damage to the photosynthetic apparatus, ...
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Introduction Nickel (Ni) is a fundamental micronutrient in plants but hampers plant growth and metabolism at elevated levels in the soil. Ni toxicity to plants is manifested mainly by the decrease in germination efficiency, the inhibition of growth and root branching, damage to the photosynthetic apparatus, and the induction of oxidative stress. In recent years, the use of arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) has gained importance for its role in enabling plants to tolerate Ni toxicity. However, information about their effectiveness in alleviating Ni stress is scanty. The process of element transport in plants may be assumed to be different among heavy metal concentrations in the substrate. Consequently, whether AM fungi enhance the metal transport to shoots (phytoextraction) or immobilize them in the roots (phytostabilization) mainly depends on metal concentration in the substrate. Moreover, Ni has been reported to compete with other micronutrients for absorption sites, which would trigger different changes of elements concentrations. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of AM fungus in alleviating Ni stress and its possible function in plant nutrition.Materials and Methods In this study, the effects of mycorrhizal inoculation of corn plants with Claroideoglomus etunicatum on alleviation of Ni impact on plant were evaluated. Some growth characteristics of the plant, phosphorus content, micronutrients (iron, zinc, and copper), concentration of nickel in shoot and root, and Bradford reactive soil glomalin (BRSG) were assessed. Accordingly, a two-factor experiment (AM inoculation × Ni levels) in completely randomized design was done. The factors included the different concentrations of nickel (control (Ni0), 50 (Ni50), 100 (Ni100) and 250 (Ni250) mg kg-1), and the levels of fungal application (control without inoculation (NM) and inoculated with C. etunicatum (AM)). Plants were grown in the greenhouse for 90 days and then the growth parameters were recorded. The concentration of phosphorus was measured spectrophotometrically and the concentration of iron, zinc, copper, and nickel in digested plant samples was determined by ICP-OES. Bio-concentration factor and translocation factor were also calculated. The colorimetric method was used to quantify Bradford-reactive soil glomalin. The Bradford protein assay was utilized to determine the concentration of easily extractable and total Bradford-reactive soil glomalin using bovine serum albumin (BSA) as a standard.Results and Discussion Increasing the nickel concentration in soil decreased the dry weight of root and shoot, and this decrease was significant in both inoculated and non-inoculated plants at Ni250 treatment (p≤0.05). Plants inoculated with AM fungus showed significantly higher height and dry weight of shoots than plants without inoculation (p≤0.05), but the effect of mycorrhizal inoculation on the dry weight of roots was not statistically significant. The effect of nickel on the colonization percentage of roots and easily extractable Bradford-reactive soil glomalin (EE-BRSG) was significant. EE-BRSG was higher at all levels of nickel in inoculated plants than in non-inoculated ones. Moreover, with the increase of nickel concentration in soil up to 100 mg Kg-1, total Bradford reactive soil glomalin (T-BRSG) increased. The concentration of phosphorus in the shoots and roots of inoculated plants was higher than in non-inoculated plants. Mycorrhizal inoculation significantly increased the concentration of zinc and copper in the aerial part. Moreover, nickel treatment did not show a statistically significant effect on the concentration of copper in the aerial part and iron in the roots. Inoculation with AM fungus showed a significant impact on the nickel concentration of the shoots and roots, and the concentration of nickel in the roots of inoculated plants at Ni250 level was significantly higher than plants without inoculation by 29% (p<0.05). Mycorrhizal plants had lower nickel concentrations in the aerial part at Ni100 and Ni250 by 30% and 33% respectively, compared to the NM plants. The translocation factors in inoculated plants at Ni100 and Ni250 levels were significantly lower than that in non-inoculated plants, which indicates the role of fungi in preventing the transfer of nickel to the aerial parts and its accumulation in the roots. Moreover, inoculated plants in the Ni100 and Ni250 treatments showed a significantly lower bio-concentration factor by 36% and 22%, respectively, compared to non-inoculated plants.Conclusion The results showed that AM colonization can help to reduce the toxicity of nickel by increasing plant growth and uptake of phosphorus, zinc and copper. AM colonization had a prominent impact in preventing the nickel transfer to the aerial parts and its accumulation in the roots. It seems that AM fungi can be used for phytostabilization of heavy metals in soils.
Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Samira Mikhi; Behnam Doulati; Amir Rahimi
Introduction The Lamiaceae is a chief medicinal and aromatic plant family. It is a family of extensive diversity and variety with international distribution. It is known that most of their properties are due to the essential oils they contain as products of their secondary metabolism. The metabolic performance ...
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Introduction The Lamiaceae is a chief medicinal and aromatic plant family. It is a family of extensive diversity and variety with international distribution. It is known that most of their properties are due to the essential oils they contain as products of their secondary metabolism. The metabolic performance of living organisms can be distinguished into primary and secondary metabolisms. Secondary metabolites represent features that can be expressed in terms of ecological, taxonomic, and biochemical differentiation and diversity. The antioxidant properties of the volatile oils are not as robust as that of water-soluble constituents. Oregano, a member of the family is an herb that has been cultivated for centuries in the Mediterranean region, although now it can be found in most continents. Because of variability in composition and origin of different Origanum spp, the antioxidant capacity reported can vary substantially. In one study, oregano had the highest total antioxidant capacity and phenolic content compared with other Lamiaceae herbs, thyme, sage, rosemary, mint, and sweet basil. Istanbul oregano (Origanum vulgare ssp. hirtum (Link) Ietswaart)is a perennial plant with dense indumentum, white and pink flowers, strong fragrance, and flowering in July and August. It grows widelyin the Thrace, Marmara, and west and southern regions of Turkey. The plant is richer in oil and carvacrol content than O. onites and if improved, agronomic affairs would offer a better alternative. The environmental and social reasons indicate that conventional agriculture constitutes a continuous pressure contributing to the progressive worsening of environmental conditions. In this matter, the increasing use of saline irrigation water is one of the main factors resulting in salt accumulation in the plant rhizosphere. In this situation, soil degradation emphasized the need to develop strategies of salt affected soil reclamation. One of the possible solutions is to use humic substances. Micronutrients are essential elements that are used by plants in small quantities. Yield and quality of agricultural products increased with micronutrients application; therefore, human and animal health is protected with a feed of enrichment plant materials. Each essential element only can perform its role in plant nutrition properly when other necessary elements are available in balanced ratios for the plant. The aim of this trial was to study the effects of some micronutrients and humic substances on the antioxidant activity of the plant. Materials and Methods The trial was conducted at the experimental fields (37.53° N, 45.08° E, and 1320 m) and the greenhouse of the Agronomy Department, Faculty of Agriculture and the Lab of Biology Department, Urmia University, during 2015-2016, prepared in a randomized complete block design in three replications, using Fe, Zn, Cu, humic acid and their incorporation (3 g Lit-1) spray as treatments. The land was plowed at the optimum moisture level (field capacity) and leveled. Phosphorus and Potassium fertilizers were applied at pre-sowing time in autumn, according to soil analysis and farrowed in 50 cm. The seeds for sowing were obtained from Turkey. Sowing was done in green house at the Department of Horticulture, Faculty of Agriculture, Urmia University, during the period from 21. 03. 2015 till 06.05.2015. The seeds were sowed in plastic pots filled with soil, sand, and peat moss substrate as a material for germination. After that sowing was irrigated regularly depending on weather conditions and development stage of plants. Seedlings were harvested and planted in the experimental field. Nitrogen fertilizer was used in planting time, and vegetative phase according to soil analysis. Irrigation was conducted depending on plants need. Harvestings were done in 50% flowering. Physical and chemical characteristics of the field soil were determined by the standard method. Total phenolic content, flavonoid content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, nitric oxide radical scavenging activity, and Chain-breaking activitywere determined. Results The aim of this study was to increase the amount of oregano essential oil, and the use of micronutrients and humic substances increased the essential oil content of the plant. According to the results, the highest and lowest leaf dry weight was related to Zn+Cu+HA+Fe and Cu treatments, respectively. The highest essential oil content (3.50%) was recorded in Zn+Cu+HA and the lowest (2.28%) in Fe+HA treatments. The highest amount of total phenol in the plant leaves (72.7 g gallic acid/ 100 g DW) in Zn, flavonoid content (88.8 g quercetin/ 100 g DW) in HA and DPPH radical scavenging activity (74.1%) were observed in Fe+Cu+Zn+HA sprayings. In addition maximum nitric oxide radical scavenging (50.3%) and Chain-breaking activity (70.7 -Abs-3/min/mg extract) were observed in Zn and Fe+Zn treatments, respectively. In conclusion, the type of micronutrients and humic substances can affect the quality traits such as essential oil and antioxidant activity and according to the use target of the plant, combined and non-combined consumption of micronutrients, and humic substances can be recommended.