Volume 47 (2024)
Volume 46 (2023)
Volume 45 (2022)
Volume 44 (2021)
Volume 43 (2020)
Volume 42 (2019)
Volume 41 (2018)
Volume 40 (2017)
Volume 39 (2016)
Volume 38 (2015)
Volume 37 (2014)
Volume 36 (2013)
Volume 35 (2012)
Volume 34 (2011)
Volume 33 (2010)
Volume 1.32 (1975-2009)
Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Effect of co-application of zinc enriched biochar and foliar application of zinc on some physiological traits and the zinc uptake in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

Narges Sousaraei; Mojtaba Barani Motlagh; Seyed Alireza Movahedi Naeini

Volume 47, Issue 4 , December 2024, , Pages 467-490


  Introduction: When the supply of micronutrients needed by the plant is insufficient, not only the yield of the product but also the quality of plant products are affected. Application of organic amendments is one of the ways to increase the nutrients such as zinc uptake by plants for. Biochar can be ...  Read More

Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Effect of combined application of struvite recovered from sewage sludge and triple superphosphate on phosphorus bioavailability in soil and its uptake by wheat

Taleb Nazari; Mojtaba Barani Motlagh; Seyed Omid Rastegar; Mohammad Hosien Sedri

Volume 47, Issue 3 , October 2024, , Pages 299-322


  Introduction: The recovery of phosphorus as struvite from treatment plants has attracted researchers' attention due to its potential as a phosphorus fertilizer. Struvite is a white crystalline substance consisting of magnesium, ammonium and phosphorus in equal molar concentrations (MgNH4P04.6H2O). The ...  Read More

Soil Chemistry and Pollution
Changes in chemical components and soil organic carbon resistance index as a result of land use change in loess-derived soils of Toshan region, Golestan provinc

Alireza Abdollahpour; Mojtaba Barani Motlagh; Amir Bostani; Farshad Kiani; Farhad Khormali; REZA GHORBANINASRABADI

Volume 47, Issue 1 , April 2024, , Pages 35-55


  Introduction: Soil organic carbon (SOC) is the largest source of terrestrial organic carbon and small changes in its components have many effects on global warming and carbon cycle. Soil organic matter (SOM) is considered as the most complex and least known component of soil, because it consists of plant, ...  Read More

Investigating the effect of iron nano carbon dot fertilizer application on vegetative growth parameters of sorghum in a calcareous soil

Yasman Zilabpour; Mojtaba Barani; Mohammad Rafieinia; Elham Bidram; Mojtaba Yahyaabadi

Volume 46, Issue 4 , February 2024, , Pages 343-370


  IntroductionNanotechnology involves nanomaterials that are less than 100 nm as an interdisciplinary and pioneering technology has solved many problems in the fields of agriculture. The use of iron nano-fertilizers in order to control the release of nutrients can achieve sustainable agriculture by reducing ...  Read More

Soil Biology, Biochemistry and Biotechnology
Using compost and triple superphosphate fertilizer to promote soil microbial and enzymatic properties and maize plant growth in loess soil

Elham Sadeghi; REZA GHORBANINASRABADI; Seyed Ali Reza Movahedi Naini; Mojtaba Barani Motlagh; Mostafa Khoshhal Sarmast; Mohammad Reza Pahlevan Rad

Volume 46, Issue 2 , September 2023, , Pages 121-139


  Introduction Plant growth and crop productivity may be adversely affected under unfavorable environmental conditions, such as a lack of organic matter in the soil. To counteract the negative impacts of these challenges, a unique strategy is required. The paucity of organic inputs, which is common in ...  Read More

Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Effect of Application of Acid Modified Biochar on Vegetative Growth and Yield components of Quinoa in a Calcareous soil Affected by Salt

Mehri Bazi abdoli; M Barani; abdolamir Bosatni; Taleb Nazari

Volume 46, Issue 1 , June 2023, , Pages 43-59


  Introduction Various biomass sources such as crop residues have been proposed as feedstock for biochar production . Meanwhile, a large quantity of crop residues (rice) is produced as waste and they are either burnt or piled and abandoned at some locations in the fields. Burning of crop residues is resulting ...  Read More

The Effect of Land Use Change on Physical and Chemical Components of Soil Organic Carbon in Loamy Soils of Toshan Watershed, Golestan, Province

Alireza Abdollahpour; Mojtaba Baranimotlagh; Amir Bostani; Farshad Kiani; Farhad Khormali; REZA GHORBANINASRABADI

Volume 45, Issue 3 , December 2022, , Pages 261-281


  Introduction Globally, deforestation is the dominant land use change process and has severe effects on soil biogeochemical properties. Large areas of the north facing slopes of the Alborz mountain range in northern Iran are covered by extensive loess deposits. Loess often contain little clay results ...  Read More

The effect of salicylic acid and nitrogen consumption on the concentration of nutrients in wheat at different salinity levels

Ghasem Ghorbani Nasrabadi; Esmaeil Dordipour; mojtaba Barani; Elham Malekzadeh; Abdolreza Gharanjiki

Volume 43, Issue 3 , December 2020, , Pages 389-404


  Introduction Salinity is one of the most important environmental stresses limiting agricultural production in arid and semi-arid regions, which occupies a relatively large area of arable land. Nutrient availability is decreased in saline conditions in soil solution and plant nutrient balance is changed. ...  Read More

Response of Spinach plant (spinacia oleracea) to Iron Chemical Forms in Calcareous Soil Treated with Sewage Sludge

Seyed Ameneh Ghoreishi Amiri; Mojtaba Barani motlagh; Esmaeil Dordipour

Volume 43, Issue 1 , April 2020, , Pages 103-125


  Introduction: Focusing on population and industrial centers in the different areas has caused the formation of a huge volume of sewage which their treatment (refining) has led to produces a larger volume of sludge so that without any attention to find out the best disposal way, has created various environmental ...  Read More

Comparison of soil, foliar and fertigation application of humic acid on growth parameters and availability of iron and phosphorous of canola

T. Nazari; M. Baranimotlgh; E. Dordipour; R. Ghorbani nasrabadi; S. Sefidgar Shahkolaee

Volume 42, Issue 4 , March 2020, , Pages 1-14


  Introduction One of the most important needs in crop planning is the evaluation of different systems of plant nutrition. plant nutrition in a correct way can preserve the environment and increase efficiency of agricultural inputs. Humic acid contains many nutrients that increase the soil fertility and ...  Read More

Soil Chemistry and Pollution
The effect of biochars prepared from agricultural residues on growth parameters and chlorophyll content of corn (Zea mays) in greenhouse condition

Narges sousaraeS; Mojtaba Baranimotlagh; Farhad Khormali; Esmaeil Dordipour

Volume 42, Issue 1 , May 2019, , Pages 13-31


  Introduction Biochar is a charcoal, pyrolyzed from a wide range of carbon-rich biomass materials, such as crop and wood residues, animal manures and a range of industrial wastes and once added into soil, it can store the soil carbon for a long period, improve the soil structure and increase the crop ...  Read More

Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Effect of copper slag and organic compounds application on iron availability and growth of Sorghum plant

Elham Mirparizi; Mojtaba Barani motlagh; Alireza Movahedi; REZA GHORBANINASRABADI; Somayeh Bakhtiary

Volume 41, Issue 2 , September 2018, , Pages 1-25


  Introduction: Among the micronutrients required by plants, iron deficiency has the maximum limitation for agricultural crops. Iron plays an important role in synthesis of chlorophyll, energy transfer in plants, formation and synthesis of special enzymes, and fixation of nitrogen. Deficiency of iron in ...  Read More

Micromorphology and Clay mineralogy
Comparison of the clay mineralogy of the early Pleistocene paleosols With modern loess-derived soils

masoomeh najafinia; Fashad Kiani; mojtaba Baranimotlagh

Volume 41, Issue 1 , June 2018, , Pages 127-141


  Introduction Loess sediments of northern Iran represent several cycles of climate change and evolution of the landform for the mid-to-late Quaternary. Climate change in elevations of Iran and its surrounding areas is very controversial in the mid and late Quaternary, and has been discussed in the past ...  Read More

Soil Chemistry and Pollution
Effects of some organic and inorganic amendments on the bioavailability and distribution of different Fractions of lead and cadmium in a calcareous contaminated soil

Somayeh Sefidgar shahkolaie; Mojtaba Baranimotlagh; Farhad Khormali; Esmael Dordipour

Volume 41, Issue 4 , March 2018, , Pages 15-29


  Introduction At present, contamination of water and soil resources is an important environmental challenge. Therefore, decontamination of such is a prerequirement for using these resources. Cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) often coexist in contaminated soils and there is currently no effective means for their ...  Read More

Micromorphology and Clay mineralogy
Comparison of the micromorphology of the early Pleistocene paleosols with modern loess-derived soils

masoomeh najafinia; Farhad Khormali; Farshad Kiani; mojtaba Baranimotlagh

Volume 41, Issue 4 , March 2018, , Pages 67-82


  Introduction Loess sediments of northern Iran represent several cycles of climate change and evolution of the landform for the mid-to-late Quaternary. Climate change in elevations of Iran and its surrounding areas is very controversial in the mid and late Quaternary, and has been discussed in the past ...  Read More

Plant Nutrition, Soil Fertility and Fertilizers
Effect of low-molecular-weight organic acids on growth and phosphorus uptake via maize (Zea mays L. cv. SC704) in some soils of Golestan province

Esmaeil Dordipour; Zeinab Bastamikojour; Mojtaba Baranimotlagh; Abdolreza Gharanjiki; Mohsen Olamaee

Volume 40, Issue 2 , March 2018, , Pages 137-152


  Introduction The most important constraint in maize crop yield in developing contries worldwide, and especially among resource-poor farmers, is soil infertility. Therefore, maintaining soil quality can reduce the problems of land degradation that decreases soil fertility and rapidly declining production ...  Read More